who are we and what do we do?
Our staff are trained in Dr. Ross Greene’s Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (CPS) model, and overseen by a LITB Trainer & CPS Certified Provider. We work to train professionals and paraprofessionals in actualizing CPS within their working environments. In addition, we support families in better understanding Dr. Greene’s CPS model, and in collaboratively problem-solving with their children.
what do we stand for?
Our staff are passionate about working with individuals who are struggling to meet the expectations being placed upon them by others, and their caregivers. We work collaboratively with these individuals to develop the tools/skills to solve their problems collaboratively, so they are better able to meet said expectations. Throughout this process, caregivers also learn about expectation management.
Parents, Paraprofessionals & Professionals are overwhelmed with the sheer volume of expectations placed upon them in contemporary society. They are all expected to do more for the children in their stead with less support. WNDR Consulting provides training that is founded in research, and uses simple language, which affords caregivers the ability to advocate for children while working with them to collaboratively solve their problems, which helps them develop life-skills they don’t yet have.

“It is vital that when educating our children’s brains we do not neglect to educate their hearts.”